Our mission is to support and accelerate your efforts to connect to SRP`s energy grid. SRP wants to ensure that your power generation assets are securely and reliably connected to the power grid. Whether you`re a customer considering interconnection for the first time or an experienced contractor looking for detailed specifications, here`s some useful information to help you learn more about connection options, guide you through the application process, and get the job done. Pursuant to Decision (D.) 14-04-003, the three California IoUs submit interconnection data reports to the CPUC`s Energy Division on a quarterly basis. Public versions of the reports are provided on our Utility Interconnection Data Reports page. On the 23rd. In June 2016, the Commission published document D.16-06-052, which improved the Rule 21 report prior to application, produced a guide on unit costs, improved the storage networking process behind the meter and established a pilot programme to introduce a cost-security zone for connections triggering a distribution upgrade. If you have any questions about informal interconnection disputes, please contact Jimmy Mahady, Regulatory Analyst, at Jimmy.Mahady@cpuc.ca.gov Amended Rule 21 allowed tens of thousands of net energy meters and non-export generating facilities to be connected between 1999 and 2011. However, producers wishing to export some or all of the generation to the utility distribution network did not have a simple connection option under Rule 21. Gaps in the tariff also existed in the networking of new technologies, such as energy storage .B.
In October 2017, the Commission approved Resolution ALJ-347 establishing an expedited dispute settlement procedure for compounds under Assembly Bill 2861 (Ting, 2016). Under the accelerated dispute settlement procedure, binding conclusions on disputes concerning the interconnection of electricity distribution systems shall be drawn up within 60 days of receipt of the Commission`s request for a particular dispute on the basis of the recommendations of a technical body. A detailed description of the procedure adopted is contained in annex A to resolution ALJ-347. Rule 21 governs connections between the CPUC and the jurisdiction, which include the connection of all net energy metering (NEM) facilities, “non-exporting” facilities, and eligible entities that intend to sell electricity to the host utility at an avoided cost. Rule 21 does not apply to the interconnection of generation or storage facilities that intend to participate in wholesale markets overseen by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Typically, these entities must apply for interconnection under FERC`s legal “wholesale distribution access tariff” (when connected to the distribution network) or the “CAISO tariff” (when connected to the transmission system). Section K of Rule 21 describes existing interconnection dispute settlement procedures. In the event of a dispute regarding missed deadlines, please contact the Public Service Rule 21 Ombudsman: Schedule: The Forum meets in person on a quarterly basis and by resolution ALJ-347, CPUC staff have the power to adjust the frequency of the Forum if necessary. For more information on the schedule, please follow the instructions below to join the distribution list. The Commission revised Article 21 of the Regulation in 1999.
In collaboration with the California Energy Commission, the Commission has revamped Rule 21 to provide a more standardised and transparent technical analysis to connect distributed generation, in particular on-site load balance generation. Rule 21 introduces a filtering procedure for “initial verification” to allow the supply engineer to quickly identify, among other things, whether a generating station is configured to remain within certain technical limits and therefore unlikely to cause electrical interference in the grid. Decision 16-06-052 (R.11-09-011), adopted by the Commission on 23 June 2016, establishes a 25% budget for interconnection costs. provide joint requests for cost certainty and storage of non-exporting energy behind the meter; and requires revisions to Rule 21 to meet the technical requirements for intelligent communication of Phase 2 inverters and the advanced capabilities of Phase 3 inverters, as recommended by the Intelligent Inverter Working Group. For utility-specific connection requests, please contact the appropriate utility using the contact information on the utility`s login website. The Interconnection Discussion Forum (IDF) provides an informal forum for utilities, developers and other stakeholders to explore a variety of issues related to interconnection practices and policies. Adopted by resolution ALJ-347 (approved on 12 September). October 2017), the Forum aims to achieve the following objectives: AB 2821 aims to address the inadequacy of the existing liaison dispute settlement procedure described in the pension tariffs of Section K of Rule 21, which is based on lengthy mediation and does not benefit from technical expertise lightly used to review technical provisions and improve cost allocation; which often lead to disputes. On September 20, 2012, the Commission adopted document D.12-09-018, which adopted a settlement agreement focused on the interconnection review process. The settlement agreement provided for each utility to revise its Rule 21 to assign all connection requests either to the “fast track” – a simplified, screen-based verification process for net energy meters, non-export facilities and small export facilities – or to the “Detailed Studies” process for more complex generating stations. Rule 21 contains provisions governing many aspects of interconnection, including: On 13 July 2017, the Commission issued an order introducing rules to consider streamlining the interconnection of distributed energy resources and improving Rule 21.
Among the key issues to consider when establishing new regulations is the inclusion of integration capacity analysis tools in Utility Rule 21 being developed as part of the Distribution Resource Plan to make decisions on the location of interconnection and streamline the expedited process for proposed projects at some point in the system below integration capacity. become. and facilitate the automation of connection processes. SRP defines distributed generation as a generally small (up to 20 MW) power generation module dedicated to supporting the associated load nearby. .