“They are also not entitled or entitled to membership of the company`s pension scheme or to medical assistance.” And this is, in short, why employers opt for the “independent contractor” principle, but unfortunately, if an employee were to question the nature of the employment relationship at the CCMA, it would turn out in almost all cases that the “independent contractor” is in fact an employee. Alternatively, this entrepreneur agreement can be adapted so that the entrepreneur retains full ownership of the intellectual property, but grants the company the license to use the material. i. If the Client has rights of supervision and control over the Contractor, i.e. whether the Contractor is required to follow the Client`s instructions, including whether the Client is able to prescribe to the Contractor when it is to provide its services, how such services are provided and whether the Contractor is generally at the client`s request; Posting of workers Posting of workers is a recognised practice in South Africa and can be carried out on the basis of an agreement between the worker, his employer and the entity to which he is posted. Depending on the particular circumstances of the posting, this may result in the employee being qualified as an employee of both employers involved in the posting. There is no specific national legislation governing self-employed contractors or self-employment. General civil, commercial and corporate laws apply. Employers must pay a portion of payroll tax to employees, while independent contractors file their own personal tax returns. Most businesses require the services of an independent contractor or subcontractor who is not an employee of the business. For example, if you offer advertising services but your expertise is not in digital advertising, but you still need digital advertising services, you can choose to hire an independent contractor or subcontractor to provide digital marketing services to your customers. If you operate a business, it is inevitable that some services will need to be outsourced to third parties in order to provide them to you or your customers. This is called the use of independent contractors or subcontractors, and this relationship is governed by an independent contractor/subcontract.
With certain exceptions, independent contractors do not receive “remuneration” as defined and the withholding obligation in the Fourth Schedule does not apply. Benefits. Benefits such as paid leave, allowances and contributions to benefit funds are typical of an employment relationship. When an independent contractor receives such benefits from his principal, it tends to indicate that the relationship is indeed an employment relationship. iii. If the entrepreneur is economically dependent on the customer or if he is free to also earn income from other sources. In this regard, the courts have distinguished between personal and economic dependence. A person who is truly self-employed cannot be economically dependent on his or her “employer” if he or she retains his or her ability and power to enter into contracts with and provide services to other persons or organizations. This means that a person who is still free to provide his services to others is unlikely to be considered an employee because he retains this freedom to enter into contracts with others and to provide services to others.
Whether or not the individual actually exercises this freedom is strictly irrelevant to determining whether or not the relationship is an employment relationship, but if he has done so and thus provides services to a large number of different persons, he is more likely to be considered an independent contractor. While there are many ways to distinguish an employee from a contractor, here are some of the most common ways an employer (or client) can distinguish between the two types of employees. For example, you would enter into a service contract with someone to paint your home. You would let that person know what colors the house should be painted in, and you would likely set a date by which the work should be completed. However, you wouldn`t tell the contractor what size brush to use, or where to use a brush or paint roller, or what type of paint to use, etc. This should be decided by the contractor. Fixed-term employment Atypical employment relationships such as the use of temporary agency workers from temporary work services (commonly known as employment agencies in South Africa) are expressly regulated by South African labour legislation (mainly LRA). An employment agency is defined as a person who procures or makes available to a client for remuneration other persons who perform work for the client and who are remunerated by the employment agency. If an employment agency makes employees available to a client as part of a legally compliant employment agency, the employment agency is considered an employee of the employment agency`s employees to the exclusion of the client. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Client shall be jointly and severally liable with the Employment Agent if the Employment Agent (with respect to its employees provided to the Client) violates a collective agreement entered into in a collective bargaining board to regulate the Terms of Employment, a binding arbitration award governing the Terms of Employment, the BCEA or a sectoral provision.
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