During the term of this agreement, the DOE will implement a pilot program for Assistant Directors of Special Education, giving them the option not to work each year during the summer. The Deputy Director, the Principal and the Superintendent must agree on a 10-month annual schedule no later than April 1 of each year. Assistant Directors may withdraw their application to participate in this pilot project until July 6 of each year, and applications may not be unreasonably rejected. CSAs will participate in a joint committee with the Ministry of Education to explore the potential of a new assessment system for vice-principals that continues to value their importance within the system and equitably capture their critical contributions to school leadership. If the parties reach an agreement, the trial period is reduced to four years. For the first time, the CSA has guaranteed that the DOE will establish and distribute a tenure framework for the term that provides clear and concise guidance for academic and non-academic supervision decisions for the term, in accordance with the New York Education Act and the APPR agreement between the CSA and the DOE for the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. With this contract, we have also taken an important step towards achieving fairer wages for our customers. In addition, at doe, we are committed to creating a tenure framework that provides clear and concise guidance for supervisory decisions in both formal and non-formal settings. The agreement also provides all members with protection against retaliation, clarifies return rights, and ensures more collaborative observations and assessments. Please click here for a summary of the agreement that we have distributed to the Board of Directors. The same summary is also found in the package sent by the AAA.
*For the purposes of this Agreement, a component is any device that is a component of an electrical product or other electrical component. Click here to find the CSA`s 2019-2023 full Memorandum of Understanding as well as previous salary plans and agreements. We are pleased to announce that we have entered into a preliminary contractual agreement with the City that will achieve our union`s objectives and address many of your pressing concerns. Thank you for being so loyal to us throughout these negotiations while continuing to serve your students as well as the accomplished professionals that you are. Because of our collective strength and unity, we have reached an agreement that appropriately recognizes your hard work, talent and leadership. When you receive your ballot, please note that it must be received by AAA by Wednesday, March 11, 2020. We expect the vote to be counted shortly thereafter. DIFFERENTIAL FOR THE POSITION OF CHIEF EDUCATION OFFICER Please click here to find the full Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the CSA. Salary increases for all DOE members are fair and fully consistent with the model established by other bargaining units.
Equally important, progress has been made on this treaty while fully maintaining all existing health services and securing significant contributions to our social assistance fund. All current health services have been fully maintained for part-time members and retirees. For decades, fairer wages among customers have been a constant goal of the union. In addition to the general increase for all members, elementary and middle school principals will receive an additional salary increase effective February 23, 2021. New salary scales are under csa-nyc.org/moa. Any proposed extension of a supervisor`s probationary period will now be sent in writing to the supervisor and the CSA no later than 7 days before the end of the probationary period, along with a written justification for the extension. This allows each CSA member to properly consult with the CSA about their decision. Schools with budget objections pending on August 1 will not have surplus staff until October 15. In order to allow members to better plan and prepare, any Deputy Director who is exceeded from 1 June will be given a deadline no later than 15 June. ==External links== For each Deputy Director who has been newly exceeded by the existing Notification Period of June 15, the DOE will place an order no later than July 15. The DOE will issue annual guidelines for school leaders on the funding and budgeting of teaching materials, including the funds available for teaching materials and their location in the school`s overall budget. As always, we thank you for your continued solidarity and support.
It is an honour to represent you. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ASSESSMENT AND REDUCED PROBATIONARY PERIOD ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SPECIAL EDUCATION PILOT PROJECT IN SECONDARY SCHOOL DISTRICTS Please click here to find the corresponding salary plans. CSA Group and UL continue to look for joint ways to help manufacturers meet their specific certification requirements in North America. CSA members take care of each other and stand up for the values we share. As you know, one of our most important goals during this process has been to care for members who hope to start a family. Those who protect and educate the city`s children deserve the time it takes to welcome their own children around the world, and we are proud to have been granted paid parental leave that provides flexibility and security for eligible members during such an important period of their lives. On February 12, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for a vote, and on Friday, February 14, 2020, the American Arbitration Association (AAA) will begin sending ballots to the home addresses of all active CSA members. The CSA has negotiated to protect its members from harassment, intimidation, reprisal and discrimination of any kind. If a CSA member suffers such harm or retaliates for raising concerns, reporting an alleged violation of a DOE policy or contractual provision, or cooperating in an investigation, they are now eligible for the CBA`s Complaint and Arbitration Rules. *These figures do not reflect contributions to CSA social assistance funds or compound interest.
ADDITIONAL SALARY INCREASES FOR ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL PRINCIPALS Given the difficulties in staffing principals in some locations, the CSA negotiated a difference between $10,000 and $15,000 per year for schools that the Chancellor describes as “difficult to fill.” CSA members will experience an increase of more than 7.5% with compound interest over the term of the contract. To meet manufacturers` requirements, CSA Group and UL implemented a collaborative process in 2003 that leads to the mutual acceptance of components* used in low-voltage distribution and control equipment. Discover a comprehensive defense strategy that combines cybersecurity and functional security in every layer of the control system. Through the CSA`s ongoing efforts to ensure that the DOE recognizes the value of our members` time, there will be one defined meeting per month where superintendents will meet in groups with their district superintendent during the professional development or training work day, with the exception of October, January and March, where there may be two such meetings. The Superintendents will provide a schedule of meetings up to the first day of each term and, in the event that a meeting date should be changed, the Superintendent will give written notice to each District Director at least two weeks in advance. In July, the DOE can schedule training sessions for school leaders, which take place over a period of one week during the working day. The CSA negotiated a difference of $15,000 per year on the EE 4 maximum salary for the creation of the position of Chief Education Officer. The posting of these Senior EI positions is created jointly by the CSA and the DOE. In addition to their usual responsibilities, Senior EAs take over the day-to-day organization and coordination of assignments to other EAs. You will not act as a scoring agent or supervisor of other EAs and will not participate in disciplinary conferences of other EAs. The Main EA is a three-year assignment that is renewed annually.