(d) When assessing whether a third party should be recognised as the legal successor to public procurement, the competent representative shall identify and assess all significant organisational conflicts of interest in accordance with subsection 9.5. If the contract agent concerned determines that a conflict of interest cannot be resolved but that it is in the government`s interest to approve the application for novation, an application for exemption may be filed in accordance with the procedures provided for in article 9.503. ABC Corporation (Contractor), a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of __ [Insert State], and the United States of America (Government), enter into this Agreement ___ [insert date on which the change of name came into force under the law of the applicable State]. `[T]he extent of any change in the nature of the work, the period of performance and the costs between the amendment and the original contract, as well as whether the initial application adequately informed suppliers of the possibility of modification or whether the modification was of the type that could reasonably have been foreseen and whether the modification substantially altered the scope of competition for the requirement.` 2. The contract agent (or COA) designated by the Agency with the largest unexplained dollar balance if none of the contracts concerned has been awarded to an ACO. (2) The COA responsible for the office if the relevant contracts are located in more than one business or business line of the seller. (6) All payments and refunds previously made by the Government to the transferor, as well as any other previous action taken by the Government under the Contracts, shall be deemed to be the performance of the Government`s obligations under the Contracts. All payments and refunds made by the Government on behalf of or to the transferor after the date of this Agreement shall have the same effect and effect as to the purchaser and shall constitute the full performance of the Government`s obligations under the Contracts to the extent of the amounts paid or reimbursed. (h) Where the recognition of a successor in title in a public contract is in the interest of the Government, the competent contract agent shall conclude a novation agreement with the transferor and the purchaser. (f) before entering into novation and name change agreements, the appropriate commissioner must ensure that the government`s legal counsel has verified them to ensure that they are sufficient. (c) the execution of novation agreements and name change agreements by the competent contract staff. (i) the competent agent uses the following format for agreements where the transferor and the acquirer are companies and all the assets of the transferor are transferred; This format can be adapted to specific cases and can serve as a guide for preparing similar agreements for other situations.
(7) The evidence of the above-mentioned transfer has been submitted to the Government. [Is there also a change of name in circulation, e.B. in the event of a previous or simultaneous change in the name of the assignee, a declaration to that effect is inserted (see example in paragraph 8). The application contained purchase descriptions that specified the product requirements for boats and engines. Specifically, the I-CRC and I-CAC submersible outboard engines required that “they power a fully loaded vehicle (2,120 pounds and 4,000 pounds, respectively) at 16 knots during swell 1 (calm water) in two minutes.” As part of the call, bidders were also informed that they had to provide two units each, I-CRC and I-CAC, for the verification of items in accordance with FAR 52.209-4. If the government rejected the first item, the contractor had to make the necessary changes, modifications or repairs to the first item or select another first item to be tested at the government`s request. 1. The agreements covered by this Agreement will be amended by replacing the name “XYZ COMPANY” with the name “ABC Company” wherever it appears in the Agreements; and (2) The purchaser agrees to be bound by each contract and to perform it in accordance with the terms contained in the contracts. The purchaser shall also assume all obligations and liabilities and claims against the assignor under the contracts, as if the purchaser were the original contracting party. (a) If it is only a change in the name of the contractor and the rights and obligations of the Government and the contractor are not affected, the parties shall enter into an agreement reflecting the change of name.
The Contractor must provide the relevant agent with three signed copies of the name change agreement and a copy of each of the following: (1) Create a Standard Form 30, Application Amendment/Contract Amendment, which must contain a summary of the agreement and attach a complete list of the relevant contracts; (1) Identify and request the Contractor to provide the information necessary to evaluate the proposed agreement for the recognition of a successor in title or a change of name. That information should include the elements referred to in points (e) and (f) of Section 42.1204 and point (a) of 42.1205 respectively; h) After the distribution of the agreement, the competent contract agent – (3) The assignee ratifies all previous acts taken by the assignor in relation to contracts having the same force and effect as if the measure had been taken by the assignee. The GAO explained that the Competition in Contracts Act usually requires “the use of competition procedures” to award government work. However, `where a contract is awarded … [it] will generally not consider amendments to the contract, as these issues are related to the management of the contract and do not fall within the scope of [its] bid challenge function. `(a) the recognition of a person entitled to public contracts in connection with the transfer of the contractor`s assets; (c) Where more than one transferor is involved, the competent member of the contract staff: — 1. The assignee assumes all of the assignor`s obligations under the contract; (2) The seller waives all rights under the contract against the government; While a change that changes the scope of the contract is an exception to this rule, such a change is only objectionable if there is a “material difference” between the amended contract and the original contract. There is an important difference when a contract is so modified by the amendment that the original contract and the amended contract differ considerably.
A significant difference usually occurs when an agency expands the scope of an order, relaxing the requirements of the post-award contract (as Zodiac claims) can also be a significant difference. a) 41 U.S.C. 6305 prohibits the transfer of government contracts from a contractor to a third party. The government may, if it is in its interest, recognize a third party as the legal successor to a government contract if the third party`s interest in the contract arises from the transfer of – (2) all of the assets involved in the performance of the contract. . . .